A holistic approach to Body, Mind, and Soul

Online Psychotherapy & Coaching embrace a holistic approach to your entire being – body, mind, and soul. Through our sessions together, we work our way into the cause of your challenges, with a deep sense and understanding of their origins and effects on your entire being – body, mind and soul.

I assist you in managing stress, anxiety, depression and in finding your life purpose. 

My passion lies in guiding you to see life from new perspectives, unlocking your full potential, through the experiences that have shaped you, and supporting you in living from a place of inner well-being.

My experiences, professional skills and continuous focus on further education ensure that you can feel secure and supported in our conversations.

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Professional skills

School Teacher

As a teacher, my passion has always been to create inclusive learning environments that could accommodate all children regardless of their abilities and challenges. Many children and young people today are heavily burdened by severe anxiety and stress. Often, a good relationship can make a huge difference in their developmental process.

During my time as a teacher, I was, among other roles, an inclusion counselor, which has provided me with a vast toolkit for building relationships, providing guidance, coaching, and developing children and young people as well as their parents.


Through my roles as vice principal, principal, and project manager, I have gained extensive experience in developing, driving, and implementing constructive organizational change processes, both in terms of development, learning, communication, and strategy. Here, I have worked with children and young people from the other side of the desk, which has given me insight into the opportunities, frameworks, and regulations of the school system.

Leadership is a complex task, requiring the ability to navigate through significant complexity with diverse tasks, rapid adaptation, and the culture in a changing societal, organizational, and relational perspective, in collaboration with various types of people from children to executives.

Master of Arts (MA) in Learning and Innovative Change.

In 2020, I graduated with an MA in Learning and Change Processes with a focus on organizations and culture. With this degree, I have both the experience and skills to support both individuals and businesses in navigating the changes and challenges we encounter in both work and personal life.

This education has provided me with a new layer of competencies and tools, which are valuable elements that I particularly apply in my professional therapy practice. My focus is on developing individuals from within, as it is through our own developmental process that we become stronger in handling the challenges we face in everyday life.

Integrative Body- and Psychotherapist (student)

Due to a high influx of clients, including children, adolescents, and adults with stress, anxiety, and depression, I chose to embark on another education in October 2022 to build upon and enhance my existing qualifications and experiences.

This led me to commence the training as a Body and Psychotherapist at Tobias School. This education has a special focus on working with the whole person’s body and mind, which aligns very well with me and the results I have achieved with my clients. It’s a learning journey that I look forward to evolving in and applying in our conversations together.

Corrective Sounds Therapist

My personal life experiences sparked my curiosity about the connection between body and mind. Why can conflict, stress, worries turn into digestive issues, neck tension, migraines, restlessness, and more? Through this, I became intrigued by body therapy and its effect on human development by sensing and learning the body’s reaction patterns.

This led me to pursue training in the Corrective Sounds method, which I completed in 2020. This method is based on kinesiology and sound therapy, which researchers worldwide are studying due to its unique ability to strengthen the body’s own healing powers, completely without pain and the use of medication.

This treatments is also an effective tool in my online sessions.

Yoga Instructor

In 2018, I chose to educate myself as a yoga instructor and gained insight into how to help people alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and physical pain through yoga’s focus on deep stretches, breathing techniques, and guided meditations.

In my online sessions I use breathing, bodyfocus, meditation and mindfulness as valuable tools.

Ethical Guidelines for Students at Tobias School

Confidentiality and Record Keeping in Client Work

The student is bound by confidentiality in all client-related work. This means that clients should not be identifiable in connection with supervision, exam assignments, or peer consultations. Records must be securely stored in compliance with the data protection regulations in force at all times. The student is obligated to familiarize themselves with and adhere to GDPR regulations.

Professional Personal Therapy

It is a requirement from the Tobias School that students engage in professional psychotherapeutic therapy from the start to the completion of their education. The psychotherapist must be approved by the school to ensure that they are certified from a 4-year psychotherapeutic training program, which is equivalent in content and form to that of Tobias School. Additionally, the psychotherapist must have a minimum of 3 years of experience as a full-time psychotherapist. It is possible to undergo therapy with a newly graduated psychotherapist from Tobias School, but they are obliged to receive extra supervision on the sessions they conduct with a student from the school. There is a minimum requirement of 100 lessons/75 clock hours of professional personal therapy during the education, and the student must be willing to exceed this framework if deemed necessary by either the student themselves or the school.


The student and the fully qualified psychotherapist commit to receiving supervision in connection with client work. This is to ensure the continued professional as well as personal development of the student/psychotherapist, thereby ensuring the client’s experience is as healthy and developmental as possible. There is a minimum requirement of 100 lessons/75 clock hours of professional supervision during the education. If the student has more than the required 100 hours of client experience, additional supervision is required. The extent of this must be assessed by the student with awareness of ethical considerations. The 100 lessons of professional supervision are received at Tobias School and take place in small groups of maximum 4 students and one supervisor.

Good Clinical Practice in Case of Lack of Competence

The student and the qualified therapist/psychotherapist commit to referring clients to another professional therapist if the client’s issues cannot be handled or accommodated professionally or personally by the therapist/the student. This can be assessed in collaboration with the practitioner’s supervisor.

Responsibility for a Conscious and Healthy Client/Therapist Relationship

The student/qualified psychotherapist is responsible for starting, facilitating, and concluding a client process responsibly, including making professional considerations about which of the client’s or their own underlying patterns may come into play at the beginning, during, and at the end of a therapeutic process. This particularly concerns the client’s and the therapist’s/student’s own underlying relational wounds/attachment patterns, various forms of dependency, and abuse issues that may inadvertently come into play in the therapist-client relationship.

Intimate or Personal Relations with Clients

The student/qualified psychotherapist may not engage in intimate or personal relations with a client who is in a therapeutic process. If an intimate or personal relationship begins with a former client, the therapeutic process must have been concluded at least 6 months prior.